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- Prunes with ecological conditions.

- If did not given farm fertilizer in autumn, must be given in January.

- Must medicate to plants towards harmfuls in winter.

- Plants all saplings.


- If works did not completed in January, finalizing in this month.

- Starting to handle ground with suitable weather conditions.


- At high regions, continues planting.

- Handle ground ends.

- Fertilization completes.

- Prune completes.

- Agricultural scramble goes on.


- Grubs herb at sapling gardens.

- At the first week of April's, wild fruit trees and kind of changes vaccinate completes.

- Handle ground completes at fruit gardens.

- Scubated seeds plants.


- Irrigates new situated gardens and grubs herbs.

- Prunes green shoots.

- It's compulsory to clean glutton boughes and illegitimates at last week of month's.

- Continues scramble of agricultural works at fruit trees.

- Continues to rear scubated seeds.


- Continues scramble of herbs.

- Irrigates accordingly ecological conditions.

- Starts harvest to peach, plum, apple and cherry at to end of the month.

- For the apples and pears, continues scramble to black stains, apple worms, red spiders and other harmfuls.


- Continues pick up herbs and irrigate at fruit gardens.

- For the apples and pears, continues scramble to apple worms, red spiders and other harmfuls.

- Irrigates full-grown's pans, picks up herbs and checks on budding's vaccinates.


- Connects shoots that vaccinated before for prevent breaks by wind.

- Continues irrigate if weather is dry.

- Fights to disease and harmfuls at plant and fruit gardens.


- Starts harvest various of fruit kinds.

- Continues agricultural process plant and fruit gardens.(For consumer's health, should be end medicates last 21 days of harvest's)


- Manures fertilizer to completed harvest gardens.

- Marks pits of saplings and hollows.

- At seed gardens, applies fight methods with medicate and etc to bugs and other harmfuls.

- Dried, diseased plants and boughs removes by pruning.


- Starts to dibble accordingly weather conditions. ( Gets best result on dibble)

- Continues sapling's hollows.

- At the sapling gardens, starts to dismantling and ditch clearance.

- Checks out quarantine controls for sapling transportation.

- Executes prune of shapes at young fruit gardens.

- Starts prune for winter at warm winter weather areas.

- Executes dibble sapling.

- With grave of ground, fertilize also continues. At the same time, starts phosphorous and potash manuring.


- Starts to works about to new build gardens.

- Prunes in winter, excluding inconvenient cases.

- Continues dibble saplings. (Gets best results on dibble)

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